Monday, December 6, 2010

"L" is for the way you look at me ...

That's it! I'm in love with my newest crocheted giraffes! How could you not be?!

 All this cuteness is almost too much to handle. It's almost a shame
I'll be mailing them out soon. Thankfully, I have enough yarn
to crank out a couple more. Both boys have been angry at me, because I wasn't allowing them to play with the giraffes.
What a mean Mommy I am. How dare I not let them play with toys. Curses!

Most people know I've been in a funk. It's a lot of the impending doom of Christmas. Which really, is an odd new feeling for me. Usually, I love this time of year.
I've also been struggling to find a sense of identity when it comes to the things that I make and sell. Any bum with a few dollars can do what I do, but I want the things I make to be mine. I want the pleasure of knowing that the stuff I create, came from the chocolate waterfall that makes my brain churn. I see the Etsy shops of people I know, and their things are AH-MAZING. I think

to myself, "I wish I could do that".
I CAN! I can do it.
I know I can. I've been lacking  self confidence. A good friend today told me, "chin up sweetie! the confidence is key... you'll find it."

Yesterday, I think I hit a turning point. I've been trying to brainstorm at any chance I get, to come up with a good idea of a thing or things I can sell in my Etsy shop year round. I don't think knit and crochet hats will fly in the dead heat of late July-Early August.
Amazingly, while doing the dishes, my muse woke from whatever nap she was taking, and threw 4 great ideas at me.
Got online and did a bit of research to see how many other people were making the things I'd come up with. Out of the four ideas, only one was being made by other people.
I really do with I could share these things with you right now, because they are pretty awesome ideas. For my own sake, I'm keeping these secret until I post them on Etsy. So, sit tight and keep your eyes peeled for some awesomeness!!

Since you took the time to read this blog post, I'm going to do something a  little special for you. During this month of December, I'm having a sale in my Etsy shop for 25% off everything.
You, being the dedicated reader you are, can take an extra 10% off!!  That's right. 35% off everything in the store. Just make sure you use the coupon BLOG35 at checkout.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. this makes my ❤ all happy... that i am a "good friend". THANK YOU for that.
    & YAY i am so excited that you are trying some new craft avenues! how exciting for you! just keep playing & experimenting. & remember to have fun doing it. confidence is key, but having FUN while creating is also very crucial. if you aren't enjoying it... well then you may as well be working fast food. hehe
